Luxury car owners often treat their cars a trophy of their hard work and is treated more important than anything else. Simple damages or scratches can cost thousands of dollars for repair and for sure no one would ever want to get near and cause trouble to pay that fee.
Nowadays, it is rare to see a man admit his mistakes and isn’t afraid to face and pay the consequences to make it right instead of running away from it.
As for Qinlong, it is against his life principles to run away from what the damage he did. According to Viral4Real, the incident happened when he took his kids for a walk, when he suddenly scratched the luxury car by accident. Despite the shock at the situation, he didn’t run away from his responsibility.
Instead he left a note on the BMW’s windshield. Qinlong asked for an apology and told that he has no work at the moment because his business went bankrupt. His family is having a financial crisis and he only had 100 Yuan. However, the old man promised to pay the cost in some months if the owner would agree so.
“I accidentally scratched your car and I have to be responsible for the damage. So, please receive this 100 Yuan as an early payment and give me 2 to 3 months to pay for the rest. I am giving you a guarantee that I would not run away,” – Qinlong.
The car owner called Qinlong using a friend’s phone and assured that he really is sincere in paying the damage he had caused. He told Qinlong that it was a Benz he scratched, the frightened old man then answered asking, “Are you a friend of the car owner? Can you help me find the owner? I need to tell the owner that I accidentally scratched his car and I am willing to pay for the damage.”
The car owner then said the repair would at least cost 1900 Yuan. But seeing how sincere Qinlong was, the owner decided to let things go. However, Qinlong refused to do so as it was against with his life principles.
“I have scratched your car and I really need to pay for the damage. I do not want to go against my life principle!”
The car’s owner was really touched with Qinlong’s words. He then told him, “As you are really determined to pay for the damage and I need more workers right now, why not you come to my company and work for me? I am really touched with your honesty and you can pay me back by working with me and we could be friends.”
Qinlong’s honesty and sincerity touched the owner’s heart, making him decided to help Qinlong in his financial struggle.
“In our society, it was rare to find a person like you and if you are interested to help me with my business, I am more than happy,” said the car’s owner.